Friday, August 15, 2014

Power of Words of Encouragement

You all know that I have been working really hard the past few weeks, maybe the last couple of months.

It was just inevitable that I say something in social media. Believe it or not, I have resisted all this time. However, last Tuesday, I had an extremely challenging day and posted something: something like “make this day stop” or similar. It was really meant to be funny, in a sarcastic way.

Surprisingly, my aunt and uncle from the Philippines sent me a “You can do it.” reply. I have only been hearing from them recently and it was a very welcome change since I rarely hear from my aunts or uncles on my Dad’s side (No Facebook?).

Although it was not the reply that I was expecting since I also had friends from the office going through the same day, their post was a refreshing surprise. It gave me an unexpected lift and gave me the motivation to continue working. I still had a couple of hours of work left to do, but I suddenly was sitting straight and my spirits were boosted. It was a much needed perk that I needed for the rest of the day.

I feel that I rarely receive encouragement. Others may disagree, but when I was in dialysis or even in recovery, I was shown a lot of love, care, and even congratulations. Don’t get me wrong, love and care is very important especially when one is critically ill or recovering from surgery, but encouragement has a different feel. For me, it gave motivation to plow through and continue, which is also something I needed at those times. I think most people forget this when one is or caring for someone who critically ill. Usually at those times, care and understanding is the focus.

Sometimes it helps to hear words of encouragement from some other person. I would like to think that I am mostly optimistic, but there were times (and there were a number of them) when I was frustrated and just wish things would end. My self-motivation tank sometimes needed to be refilled. And a cheer of confidence can easily fill that tank.

I hope this post brings more motivates you to encourage the people in their lives, especially those who are ill or going through difficult times. Everyone needs it and it goes a long way.

I am so grateful to my aunt and uncle for this encouragement. I am actually still running on it and it makes me happy every time I think about it.