Thursday, December 25, 2008

Is it Christmas already?

I slept most of yesterday... must have been exhausted from all the dialysis attempts from Tuesday night to early yesterday morning (7 am is early for me - ask my office mates!).

Between watching Bond films and crocheting a lei that looks more like a garter belt... I did nothing. My right forearm is still sore and swollen from all the needle sticks, so I am icing it between 4-5 "petals" (it's a flower lei, remember).

Good news is the back-up doctor gave me the go ahead to wait until Sunday to dialyze. That is good for two reasons: my arm gets to rest (Hooray!), and we can attempt to go skiing.

Hope we can drive up today to the snow country today... I am dying to get out of here!

Oh, BTW - Happy Holidays everyone!

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