Friday, January 16, 2009

Fridays with Dr. M

I visited my nephrologist this afternoon. Both of us were pretty much prepared for each other. Hubby and I have our list of questions. He was ready to say "No, you cannot reduce your time" and "No, you cannot dialyze for only two days".

Overall, it was a pleasant experience -- almost bordering on fun. We have known each other for almost two years and know each others limits. Our first visits with him were somewhat traumatic (to the point that I dubbed him "Dr. Doom" -- and that is being nice). Things are now better.

We went through the questions, one by one. Overall, he had a satisfactory answer, but as always not enough for our inquiring science-oriented minds. I was somewhat disappointed that he does not have a definite answer on what is causing my gout (but he did have a theory) and that I need better numbers to reduce the number of days on the machine. At least, I know what to aim for... Kt/V of 2.3. Then I can reduce my days from 3 to 2!

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