I received my latest phosphorus lab results yesterday: 5.3!
No change in diet, no change in food -- just stopping the lotion and my moisturizer.
I hate to say it -- but I told them so!
Back on you nutritionists and nurses who ragged on me about my diet. I know 90% of the time, hyperphosphatemia is due to food; but there is always that 10%. There is a lesson learned here - TRUST YOUR PATIENTS and THINK OUT OF THE BOX. When your patient is getting pretty close to an eating disorder due to phosphorus-phobia and half of her meal is already phosphate-binders, it must be something else. I told you I've been watching my diet and only occasionally indulging in a tasty latte. 10 M&M's, I've found, only has 8 mg of phosphorus, so if I have 12 after a meal - Give me a ---- break!
Aveeno, I love your lotion and your moisturizer. I've been using it for months, and I love how soft my skin feels. However, its really not good for someone who is watching their phosphorus. I guess that soy and oatmeal really goes in your bloodstream. Once I get a transplant, I'll probably go back to using it.
Hallelujah!!! Now to tackle the water retention....
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