Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rogue Kidney's Weekend Off

Sailboat in Monterey BayHubby and I experienced another first this past weekend: it was our first weekend get-away in several months. This was the weekend of my annual aikido weekend intensive workshop in Monterey, California. Hubby thought that I was ready for it as long as I took some appropriate precautions. Besides, it would be really good to just get away.

Going into this weekend, we did make a few adjustments. Since I am still technically on probation (i.e., I should not dine out too much), I brought my lunch the first day.  We were very mindful of our meals and made sure that we dined in some very good establishments and that my food was thoroughly cooked and made to order, for me – two of the things that we really need to live-by, literally. I still wanted to have a nice dining experience or two, and we did that!

I also (regrettably) did not attend the group picnic lunch. Picnics can be hazardous for kidney transplant recipients, since like buffets, food would most likely has not been stored at the appropriate temperature, and/or for the appropriate amount of time, making it a germ factory. AND there is no microwave in sight to zap those bugs out. Oh well, it is a small price to pay for a fairly normal life.

I was able to participate two out of three days of the workshop or seven out of nine classes. I figured that resting the third day would be a pretty good idea; after all, it’s not even been five months since my transplant. One of the senseis (“teachers”) even commented that she was rather surprised to see me on the mat at all. I thought I did pretty well. I only got really tired at the end of the last class on Saturday; we had five classes that day.

Hubby and I spent as much time as possible together. With me in the workshop most of Saturday, we only shared lunch and dinner that day. We did enjoy, most of Friday with each other and shared a great day together on Sunday. Since we were both exhausted, we enjoyed a short walk at Lover’s Point (how appropriate), visited the Aquarium (I had to put on my mask on because of the crowds) and shared lunch at our most favorite place in Monterey (Schooner’s-on-the Bay at The Monterey Plaza Hotel).

I did gain almost four pounds (I think mostly in fluid) from our dining out. Luckily, I lost most of it as of this writing.

We’re looking forward to more weekends like this one. I love getting away and being in a new environment, especially when one has been at home for almost five months. I also enjoy being near the ocean. It’s very relaxing to be in the fresh air and enjoying the sounds of the ocean.

Happy Summer Travels! Bon Voyage!

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