Thursday, January 30, 2014

One Year Later

Anniversary Card

January has always been a special month for me. It is the start of a new year and has always symbolizes new beginnings. Last year, it became extra-special since it was also the month when I had my kidney transplant. I cannot believe that it has been a year already.

I have been looking through my posts after the transplant and realized that I have come a long way. At that time, I could not walk without pain medication. Most of my days were spent sleeping. There were days when I would take four tablets of really strong pain meds. Now, I am walking, going to aikido class regularly, and dancing hula. I am even considering going back to the pool to prepare for our upcoming vacation (because it will hopefully be in somewhere tropical). The only time I take pain medication is when I overdo some of these activities.

It's not that everything is back to normal. I do miss some things that I can no longer enjoy because of my revised diet. I’ve always thought that I would never be pregnant, but now I am eating as if I were a pregnant lady – avoiding bacteria and raw food. At least, I can have some caffeine and wine.

I also still experience some sleepiness in the afternoon, probably due to one of my medications – most likely the blood pressure pills or even the immunosuppresants. But I still think I am very lucky: some transplant recipients experience numerous side effects to their new medications. Mine can be fixed with a latte or some chai.

We also had some scares along the way.  I have been hit twice accidentally in my kidney spot and recently got into a car accident. In each of those, I got very shaken up and felt extremely paranoid – sometimes paranoid to the point that I would prefer to stay home and be safe.  After some contemplation and introspection, these incidents did help me reset and give me new perspective. I do need to be even more careful and mindful.

I am really appreciative of those in my support system without whom I would not be able to make it through this year. The nurses, the doctors, and my friends – close and far away have made my recovery easier to manage. Most importantly, I am very thankful for my husband who has been by my side every day. Oh, let’s not forget my little angel – Meow, who also has been giving me emotional support and company.

This past year has been interesting, adjusting to my new situation and routine. I do intend to experience life to the fullest and not to be afraid of new adventures, as long as I continue to be mindful and careful. 

After all, isn’t that the point of being given a new chance in life?

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