Friday, July 25, 2014

Stressin' Out

I have not been writing as much lately. It’s not that I have not had anything to write about. It’s that time of the year, and it has been really hectic at work the last few weeks. I have two major projects that constantly need urgent attention and a minor one that gets none. I’ve been working long hours and even working weekends. Overall, my work has been somewhat stressful, and my free time has suffered. I do not even have time to read tweets or blog.

Pulling in the extra hours has been hard on me this year. Perhaps I am doing more challenging projects, am more involved at work, or simply just getting old. Maybe it's all of the above. I have been really tired and not getting enough sleep – perhaps due to the stress. I can also feel it in my body: I lack energy and feel bloated. I sometimes don’t even want to move, but I know that it is best for me continue exercising.

I actually have gained weight in the last four weeks. In fact, I have gained most of the weight that I lost. First of all, it is extremely frustrating to see the weight come back. I worked really hard to take it off (well, not really – but I was militant with what I ate, I had to).

Most of all, I am concerned that my kidney function is affected. I have not changed my diet nor stopped exercising. It reminds me of when my kidney disease was first diagnosed; I gained so much weight. Back then, I did not worry about it too much. My weight frequently went up and down (more up). Now, I cannot help but be somewhat paranoid.

I guess it's true that too much work and stress can cause a bit of havoc in one’s body and mental state. As we know, chronic stress disrupts almost system of the body, and this experience has reinforced that fact. My immune systems are probably so low, that I got sick. Now, I really cannot work.

Although I use techniques such as exercise and meditation to relax and may not seem too stressed, the accumulation of pressure does add up.  It increased my anxiety, made me really moody, and consequently raised my blood pressure. Really don’t need that… ever.

I am hoping there is some relief in the future. I should also keep in mind what I need to do when things are so busy at work.  As an example, by taking a sick day, I was able to rest, relax, regain focus and get caught up a bit. My lab results also indicated that my kidney function is normal, actually better than normal. So, I can breathe a little easier.

Hopefully, I’m in for a relaxing weekend. I really need one.

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