Saturday, October 20, 2012


I received my latest phosphorus lab results yesterday: 5.3!

No change in diet, no change in food -- just stopping the lotion and my moisturizer.

I hate to say it -- but I told them so!

Back on you nutritionists and nurses who ragged on me about my diet. I know 90% of the time, hyperphosphatemia is due to food; but there is always that 10%. There is a lesson learned here - TRUST YOUR PATIENTS and THINK OUT OF THE BOX. When your patient is getting pretty close to an eating disorder due to phosphorus-phobia and half of her meal is already phosphate-binders, it must be something else. I told you I've been watching my diet and only occasionally indulging in a tasty latte. 10 M&M's, I've found, only has 8 mg of phosphorus, so if I have 12 after a meal - Give me a ---- break!

Aveeno, I love your lotion and your moisturizer. I've been using it for months, and I love how soft my skin feels. However, its really not good for someone who is watching their phosphorus. I guess that soy and oatmeal really goes in your bloodstream. Once I get a transplant, I'll probably go back to using it.

Hallelujah!!! Now to tackle the water retention....

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The (continuing) case of high phosphorus syndrome

My phosphorus is still high: 7.7 - in spite of increased binders, modified diet, and now only once a month chai-latte treats. Other than not eat, I am not sure what to do anymore -- I do not know why it is increasing instead of going the other way.

After last night's treatment, I spoke to the dialysis nurse about this. This is a sore subject between us (more on this in another post), but we had a really productive chat.   I've been writing down what I eat and there is very little difference between what I am eating now and what I was eating when my phosphorus is low. In fact, I am more restrictive - paying attention to protein portion sizes, increasing veggies, and limiting fluid control (I am also retaining more fluid).  After a "clean week" where I did not have dairy, took my binders, and watched my diet, my phosphorus should be down - not up -- so it must be something else.  We are both perplexed.

What she did say is that there may be hidden phosphorus in my vitamins, supplements, etc. What has changed: not vitamins, I am very careful of that. I did switch to a new blush and eyeshadow (Hey, you got to be trendy somehow).  Then it hit me: my lotion has oatmeal in it! My facial moisturizer is soy-based. I use it everyday! A cup of oatmeal has 178 mg of phosphorus in it. One cup of soybeans have 284 mg.  Could it be?

She said that the phosphorus could be absorbed by the skin and directly goes into my blood stream. If that is the case, I am thinking no amount of binder can counteract that.

For this week, I'm changing my favorite lotion and moisturizer to something hopefully more phosphorus-friendly. We'll see....