Thursday, April 26, 2012

Shakin' and Bakin'

Apologies for not posting in a long while. As the Blues Brothers would say, I was "on a mission from God" -- just kidding.


It was sort of a mission. One of my goals late last year was to become a better wife and perhaps start doing my share of the housework (and get my butt off the computer for a change). Mind you, Martha Stewart, I am not - more like Peg Bundy. I did start doing my share in the kitchen and relearned how to bake. So since December, I've been baking away: cookies, muffins, scones. It was just in time for the holidays. I've been doing some cooking as well and applying what I learned from watching the Food Network during dialysis.



When I started dialysis, I felt that my life was put on hold. Getting back involved had given me a sense of rebirth -- a new purpose. Now I am finding little projects around the house. This year, DIY home-improvement projects... I do need a new bedroom vanity :)


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