Saturday, November 9, 2013

Rogue Kidney's Day-off

Cupcake stash - these are actually minis.
I decided to finally take a day off this week. My brain was full, and I felt that I really needed to work on some stuff around the house. Some things, needless to say, had gotten out of control and disorganized. I just need to do it.

I had a productive day planned: wake up early, put away the clean clothes, tidy up the kitchen counter, make pancakes for breakfast, have lunch out with Hubby, and make dinner at a relaxing pace, catch up with my email at work and home, and probably three or more other things.

Here’s how the day went:


Had chai and my pre-made (homemade) muffins

Had lunch out with Hubby (Fish Sandwich for me and Fettuccine Carbonara for Hubby –Yum!)!

Bought cupcakes from Kara's Cupcakes (Yum again!)

Went to Trader Joe’s to get provisions


Tidied up the kitchen counter

Made Kale Salad for our dinner

Vegged-out on the couch and watched TV.


It was not as productive a day as I had planned. I was a little disappointed that I was not more productive, but maybe that was the day that I needed; just unplug and recharge. I keep reminding myself that “I just had major surgery”  – I can’t run at 150% yet, let’s just try 100% with some breaks.

The next day, I was energized and more ready to work. I did get a chance to clean up my email… Funny thing though. More emails came and filled my inbox.


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