Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

It has been almost a month since I've last posted, and a lot of things have happened. Here are the highlights of the last few weeks.

The good: We enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Weekend. Hubby gave me flowers and a giant greeting card (it must have been 2 by 3 feet). We also enjoyed a very nice evening dining out at our favorite local sushi place. It was great!

We're also planning a March ski trip sometime in the next couple of weeks to our favorite resort.

The bad: A recent dialysis session last week started out good but turned bad - out of nowhere, my blood pressure shot up to 192/114 with a pulse of 40 -- obviously, very dangerous. Hubby was not very happy with the staff and their attentiveness, and in his own way, rather said so!

We are still working out how to approach the staff and/or our case manager on how to make things better. It is a dilemma -- I need to be comfortable when I am treated there and vice versa. It's a puzzle that we are working through; we don't want to chastise anyone, but my health is the most important thing (ask Hubby!).

The ugly: It's about that time of the month to do bills and my monthly stay-at-home lab test (I really need to stay at home -- ask me by e-mail about this if you are curious). Add to that: our trying to figure out annual tax preparation b%*)#@! I do not think I need to say any more.

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