Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Kidney Walk 2014

The San Francisco Kidney Walk was last weekend. My Hubby and I attended and we had a great time.

It was also my first time “live tweeting” an event. It was a lot of fun. It sort of brought out my inner Lois Lane. I felt like a journalist or a social media expert – cool.

I posted a lot of pictures on Twitter. But for those who don’t use Twitter, I am featuring a selected few in this post, including some that I did not tweet, so you can participate virtually.

The Kidney Walk "Health Fair" and Mission Zone: Great turnout today. It's also the perfect day in San Francisco for a walk.

Kidney Walk Health Fair

The bibs that we picked up for the walk: one for me, one for my Hubby, my hero.

Inspirational speech and performance by Scott MacIntyre, American Idol Finalist. He is legally blind, and at 19 years old, was diagnosed with kidney failure. Thanks to the wife of one of his music teachers, he received a kidney. His story and song "I am Hope" are inspirational. I hope it gives hope to the thousands of people waiting for a kidney.

Scott MacIntyre Presentation

Our walk starting: The crowd is ready to go. 

Ready to start

Cheerleaders motivating us. In the background, you can see how long the procession is. 

Kidney Walk Cheerleaders

The Walk Back: You can see how far we walked, the Ferry Building clock tower is in the background (about a mile and a half away). We walked about 3 miles.

Kidney Walk - Walk Back to Ferry Building

Almost there: More cheerleaders motivating to the last steps. 

KW Finish Line Cheerleaders

Made it! Finish Line! Here's the obligatory selfie.

Overall, it was a wonderful day and lots of fun. The crowd was energized and ready to walk. This was not a competitive walk. Folks were walking at their own pace and enjoying a beautiful San Francisco day. The goal really was and will continue to be community building, support, and fellowship. 

My husband and I will be doing it again and already making plans for next year's walk and fundraising goals. I hope this post showed the participation, excitement, and joy in the crowd. Hope you will join us in the walk next year and in the fight against kidney disease. 

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