Saturday, January 19, 2013


Our orchid, Stripey, is blooming again. I am very happy that it is thriving in spite of losing all of its original blooms. I am looking forward to enjoying its new blossoms in the next few weeks.

Stripey is thriving because of the loving attention that was given by my husband. We originally bought Stripey so that I can take care of it. But as always, I got busy. But Hubby took care of Stripey: watering and feeding it. Now we’re ready to enjoy new blooms again.

Stripey reminds me how my husband has been supportive these last years after my diagnosis. My Hubby has been wonderful. He has taken care of the house, just as he had taken care of Stripey. Since I’ve been diagnosed, he takes care of most of the cooking, the laundry, dishes, garbage, cleaning, and most importantly, our cat, Meow. Most of the time, all I need to do when I get home is sit down, enjoy a meal, and rest. Thanks to him, I’m almost like Stripey: I was down and out, but now I am blooming again and able to help more around the house.

I think I don’t tell my husband often enough how much I appreciate him. I do not think words can express my appreciation enough. 

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