Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First day of dialysis - take two

OK. Today is a new day. I had to call in sick today since my session starts at 11:00 am. I was not planning on this, but it can be a good day to take PTO since we need to work on a deployment late today anyway... and we have to make this happen.

I consolidated my bag of goodies and headed off to the dialysis center with my husband. I already messed up, because they said they wanted me there at 10:45 and I left at 10:45 -- minor details. Hope this is the only faux pas of the day...

I have arrived and passed all my stuff to my husband -- blankets, bags with heavy magazines, my (tiny) purse, my jacket, and scarf. I changed my outfit of thick sweatshirt from last night to a thinner t-shirt. Hopefully, this will prevent my sleeves from stopping blood flow. I weighed myself and looked for the tech.

The guy looking for my veins is said to be the specialist for "virgin" dialyzees (is that a word?). My baby thin veins are really problematic, and Angel (the technician) is having a hard time. Fortunately, he is an "Angel of Mercy" -- I had some painkillers when he found the two candidates... as he said "You need two to tango". I was hooked up, and now the waiting begins.

Because of the position of my access point, I cannot move my right arm which makes it impossible to knit or crochet. TV at 11:00 am is pretty boring... so I opted for CNN. I was thinking of playing my Hula DVD of Kaunaloa, but decided against it since I cannot rewind the DVD.

The remainder of the time is mostly waiting... two hours and thirty minutes of it. Browsing through Wired, watching CNN, local news.

It looks like it is going a lot smoother today - Thank goodness!

After the treatment, I felt no different -- no dizziness, no energy loss, no drop in blood pressure. I felt that I can drive but my husband did not want me to. The only good thing is losing two pounds! Yeah!

Time for lunch... tomorrow, I bring the laptop!

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