Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Second session

I am not sure if I can have treatment today. My arms are still sore today: my right arm from dialysis and the left arm from the wrist lock that sensei gave me from training last Saturday. I considered it as a parting gift; since he will not be seeing me for a while, I was given one last pin --- OUCH!

I am also a bit sleepy -- I had a late night deployment last night and slept at 6 am. Maybe I can chicken out of this one.

Since there is no possibility of moving my arm during treatment, I left the crochet project at home. The usual boredom busters are in my dialysis bag -- but I am really hoping for some shut-eye. My husband (and the cat) advised that I not take my laptop since its only the second time. I complied.

I am starting to get used to the trip and the routine from home... doing this from work will be another story. I still a bit nervous since I know the Angel of Mercy is not going to be there, and the ladies may not find my veins. Oh well, all we can do is try.

The treatment itself was okay this time around -- I think its because I know what to expect. My husband and I marked the spots from yesterday with band-aids to help them locating the veins. Lem, my technician for today, did not need it and found good access points. The needles, though -- OMG, it hurts! Even Lem said that it is going to hurt until my vein and artery toughens up. I need to do something about that.

The boredom is something else to get adjusted to. Thank goodness its stuff that I usually watch anyway -- local news and Seinfeld reruns. I am so used to multitasking that sitting still and just watching the tube is numbing! I need something else. Bringing a laptop or books may solve that since TV is not a good boredom buster. The two needles in my arm (allegedly, the smallest ones that they have) is preventing me from taking a nap.

After treatment, I feel like I am filled with saline -- maybe that is the squeeky clean feeling that one is supposed to get. The scales indicate a 1.7 kilo loss (about 3.5 lbs) which I guess is good. I just hope the toxins are getting flushed out. We really don't know if this treatment is working...

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